
KidWell is a web app that offers online pediatric consultation for parents and children carers. The aim of this app is to provide services like searching and reading professional articles, visiting a doctor through different contact methods, checking the consultation history and so on. 

My core responsibilities in creating this product include research, design and testing the core features of this app.




December, 2019 – January. 2020


UX UI Designer



Following the vital stages of Design Thinking, I started by understanding business needs and user goals and created product’s core features to build the app’s information architecture. Moving forward, I drafted wireframes to rapidly test my ideas and made quick iterations. As the product matures, I then created high-fidelity wireframes to test my design with potential users. The iterated screens were polished and made ready to export for developers.


01. Problem statement

How can we help users who have babies or children with non-emergency healthy problems?
In Germany, visiting a pediatrician always means a necessary of booking an appointment for two weeks later and a long waiting time in the clinic. Sometimes parents are not sure whether they should visit a doctor or not, they would be worried, nerves and eager to get some professional suggestions.  
As a designer, my goal is to design a simple, clear and meantime a powerful product that will genuinely help them.

02. Competitive analysis

I performed a comprehensive analysis of 2 competitor products (Answered. and MyMedela) that mapped out their objectives, strategies, market advantages, as well as their strengths and weaknesses (SWOT analysis). This helped me to understand market standards, avoid common user problems and identify new opportunities for innovation. 

03. The opportunity​​​​​​

➤  Answered. provides professional pediatric consultancy service through blogs and messaging. No function for visiting a pediatrician through video or audio call.
➤  MyMedela has a 24/7 online consultation service, but only for breast feeding issues. 
➤  Besides these 2 products, I also researched some other online services in Germany. There are only 2-3        websites providing online doctor service, but no one focus only on children and babies. 
➤  KidsWell will be a very good combination to fill the market gap. 

01. User research

In order to get a better understanding of following questions: 
➤  What will parents do when their child has non-emergency heathy problems?
➤  How often do they need a pediatric advice?
➤  Do they already have some experience searching for a pediatric advice online?
➤  What is their opinion of contacting a pediatrician online instead of local visiting?
➤  What are their suggestions for such an expert app/websites?
I conducted an online survey with totally 16 participants and 4 in-person interviews in order to fully understand user behavior, needs and motivations. Furthermore, it also helped me to validate the core features of the product indicated in the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). I used affinity mapping as a brainstorming tool to codify ideas, hypotheses, and predictions. It also allowed me to identify themes, patterns from the interviews to create actionable steps to address pain points, concerns and needs of users.​​​​​​​
Key learnings:
➤  Users don’t take the child to visit a local pediatrician immediately when they meet non-emergency healthy problem.
➤  Most participants are willing to use an app/website if it is well designed.
➤  The frequency of looking for a pediatric advice is relatively high.
➤  All users want to contact a pediatrician as soon as possible.
➤  Features which users are demanding include: Video call, view articles, making appointment, reviews of a doctor, online payment. 
➤  All participants would like to pay for an online service.

02. User personas

Based on the key insights received from the online survey and user interviews, I created 2 user personas which highlighted demographics, behaviors, needs and motivations of my target audience. User personas made it easier for me to empathize with the users throughout the entire design process.​​​​​​​

03. User journeys

I created user journey maps to visualize the steps taken by the users as they engage with platform. This allows the capture of user’s motivations and needs in each step of the journey, creates useful solutions that are appropriate for each.
Please take a look at Sofie’s journey map.
svgPerfect Properties
svgWebsite redesign